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Quebec Government Adopts IHRA Definition of Antisemitism
June 9, 2021
The past month has been a trying period for Jewish Montrealers. The unprecedented wave of antisemitism that has included death threats and violence has shaken our community to the core.
Federation CJA continues to work with the Montreal Police Department (SPVM) and authorities to ensure that these incidents do not go unpunished. Our advocacy arm, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) also continues to raise awareness and to secure support amid this surge in antisemitism. CIJA has been active on the media front, and recently secured a public apology from Le Devoir following its publication of a controversial caricature. Stay tuned for a forthcoming feature on antisemitism in Le Devoir.
As previously reported, Quebec's National Assembly passed a unanimous motion condemning antisemitism, adding itself to a growing list of bodies, organizations and politicians including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, MPs Anthony Housefather and Rachel Bendayan, Quebec's minister for combating racism Benoit Charette, Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante, and Opposition Leader Lionel Perez, who have been unequivocal in their rejection antisemitism in our beloved city, province and country.
Today, the Government of Quebec went a step further by announcing its adoption of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism. This announcement is a major milestone in the fight against Jew-hatred and states in unambiguous terms that there is no room for antisemitism in any form in Quebec.
We commend the Government of Quebec for joining dozens of jurisdictions in 34 countries in adopting the IHRA definition, and salute Quebec's Minister responsible for the Fight Against Racism, Benoit Charette, for his leadership in the fight against antisemitism.
To read our joint press release following today's announcement, click here.
Yair Szlak |
Eta Yudin |