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Working Together:
Community Impact Grant
Note: if you do not already have a Survey Monkey Apply account, please contact us before starting your application process.
Guidelines & Criteria
With the aim of fulfilling our mandate outlined in the Strategic Plan, Federation CJA is re-launching the second cycle of the IPIC (Impact Partner Investment Cycle). This cycle is aimed at encouraging a collaborative approach to achieving impact. Federation CJA aims to support this by developing and sustaining strong partnerships and convening activities that help develop capacity of our impact partners for addressing barriers to the health and well-being in our community, to promoting holistic, creative responses for a vibrant Jewish Community in Montreal, and to strengthen our community ecosystem within the broader Montreal community and beyond.
What this Grant Opportunity is about
The Working Together: Community Impact Grant offers to:
- Support Longstanding and new or emerging impact partners
- Strengthen evidence-informed practices and processes
- Identify and build stronger partnerships through alignment of community programs/services with FCJA Impact Priority areas
- Build capacity of impact partners to conduct monitoring, evaluation and learning that will lead to greater impact
- Obtain meaningful data to strategically learn how collaboration and partnerships are getting to impact using the FCJA Results Framework
What makes this grant experience unique?
Community systems change is riddled with complexity and organizational multiplicity. Aiming to address social service delivery, Jewish community engagement, or systems advocacy through greater collaboration and creativity offers different ways of solving for existing challenges to achieve greater impact. Openness to continuous communication and learning enables curiosity, flexibility, and opportunities for improvement --- asking ourselves what is working and what is not? Understanding why not? --- are all fundamental questions to understanding how we can improve our Jewish Community system and work together more effectively and efficiently to achieve impact.
This grant offers an exciting opportunity to launch short-term collaborative initiatives (12 months or less) that can effectively find solutions, maximize resources, and strengthen strategic learning for impact in areas that align with Federation CJA’s three impact priority areas.
- Promote mental health and wellbeing
- Foster Jewish pride and identity
- Create a sense of belonging
Proposals will be considered for initiatives/services being implemented during the next 12-months and serving the Jewish Community population in Montreal and its surrounding areas.
Applications must include one (1) managing partner organization and at least one (1) other collaborative partner organization. The managing partner will be the financial manager of the funds received and responsible for clearly demonstrating the way relationships will be managed with collaborating organizations. The managing partner organization must be able to provide non-profit status registration in the application.
This fund is open to new/emerging and existing/longstanding partners of Federation CJA. Applicant organizations will be expected to:
Clearly explain how the collaboration is essential to producing greater impact from the initiative of focus, the roles and responsibilities that each organization has within the process of implementing this initiative, and the anticipated value-added from the collaboration.
Provide an accurate project budget clearly identifying all funding sources.
Demonstrate a clear set of goals and outcomes for the initiative of focus, and the initial evaluation plan alongside the project implementation plan.
Demonstrate how funding will be used to implement a new initiative, new approach, new collaboration, and/or serve a new sub-population in the Jewish community.
Commit to working with Federation CJA in data collection and reporting, and strategic learning activities offered by Federation CJA focused on measuring impact.
Returning Grantees: Organizations who have received a Working Together Grant last year cannot apply for the same initiative this year. Returning organizations may apply for a new initiative; or an initiative that adds a new collaborative partner and integrates a new element to their existing initiative that strengthens community resilience.
Amount: Grants will be considered for project budgets up to $50,000.
Please note that grants will only be funded in the entirety of their request; partial amounts will not be given.
Deadline to apply – October 21, 2024.
For more information, please contact [email protected].