In light of growing concern around the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), it is important for us to communicate with you, our dedicated volunteers, committed donors, recipients and community members, regarding the precautions we are taking in order to minimize the risk of transmission. While we are aware of only two reported cases of infection in Montreal, we understand that the pace and rate of transmission requires everyone's vigilance and cooperation.
Federation CJA is committed to the health and well-being of our community and, in particular, preventing illness within the physical buildings we operate.
To this end, we have taken some specific steps:
- We are reviewing and updating our emergency preparedness policies.
- We have assembled an ad-hoc committee, including professionals in the field, seasoned volunteers and Federation CJA Senior Management to monitor and engage with decision making regarding the evolving situation.
- Our cleaning personnel will be transitioning to the use of a higher level of antiviral cleaning agent.
- We have installed hand sanitizers at the elevator on each floor.
- We are committed to making every committee meeting accessible through phone, Skype or Zoom.
- We have encouraged all employees that are not feeling well to stay home and work from home if necessary.
- We are implementing a "three-week rule" due to the evolving nature of the situation. This means that we will be reviewing decisions on programming, etc., three weeks prior to the date. Anything beyond three weeks will be addressed as we get closer to the date.
Until further notice, if you are not feeling well and exhibit symptoms of illness, please refrain from physically attending meetings or volunteer opportunities at any of Federation CJA's properties. As previously mentioned, all meetings will be accessible via phone, Skype or Zoom. Furthermore, if you are attending meetings at Federation CJA or one of our affiliated agencies, please continue to practice hand and respiratory hygiene:
- Regularly wash hands with soap and water.
- Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
- Avoid unnecessary contact (we are a warm and loving people – these days; less hugging, less double cheek kisses).
- Consider carrying hand sanitzer.
While we hope this is the last such communication about the Coronavirus, we are cognizant that the situation is fast evolving. We continue to monitor the situation and, should an update be necessary, we will do so in a timely fashion.
Thank you for your understanding.
Yair Szlak, LL.B
Chief Executive Officer, Federation CJA