Every February, Jewish communities worldwide join to advocate for the inclusion of people with disabilities in Jewish life. For the third year in a row, Federation CJA is proud to be celebrating JDAIM (Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance and Inclusion Month). And while this year may look a bit different, it's certainly no exception. With all events being presented virtually, now more people than ever can participate in JDAIM. We are pleased to offer exciting and engaging virtual events to celebrate our commitment to inclusion as a community without walls.
We have made a unified effort with Jewish communities across North America to raise awareness and foster acceptance and inclusion of people living with disabilities, their families, and loved ones. Our highlight event this year is "Sock Guys, Social Enterprises & Social Innovation: Disabilities and Employment in a Pandemic," an incredible 11-minute empowering video showing how each person can succeed and thrive if given the right support to do so. We are proud that the Montreal Jewish community is seen as an example of offering meaningful and innovative employment opportunities—even in a pandemic. Click here to access a full list of Montreal's JDAIM 2021 events.
We also recognize that inclusion is something we must focus on all year long. We have the responsibility to make sure that people of all ability levels and their families can participate fully in Jewish life and feel accepted and embraced within our community. Federation CJA is committed to becoming more intentionally inclusive in our approach and practices while encouraging community partners to do the same.
The Jewish core value of Klal Yisrael (unity of the Jewish people) calls us to recognize that we need to constantly strive to create a more unified Jewish community. JDAIM is a call to action to unite Jewish communities worldwide and for each of us to act in accordance with our Jewish values to remove the barriers to participation in Jewish life. Our community is not whole until all of us belong.
Yair Szlak, LL.B
Chief Executive Officer, Federation CJA