Federation CJA’s Strategy
- Standing Up Against Antisemitism
- Community-Wide Security
- CEGEP & University Campuses
- Jewish Day Schools
- Advocacy & Legal Action
- Our Community
- Growing Jewish Life
In the wake of October 7th, antisemitism and anti-Zionism – already on the rise in Canada – has been fully unleashed on campuses, city streets, and online.
Federation CJA is taking action. Leading the way in securing, advocating, and speaking out in support of our Montreal Jewish community. We strongly believe that each of us should feel confident to live openly Jewish lives and proudly identify as Jews – without fear.
- Jews are fully at ease gathering at our synagogues and sending our children to Jewish day school.
- Jewish students moving freely through college and university campuses without fear of being accosted or barred from their classes.
- Jews not feeling the need to take off their kippot, tuck in their tzitzit, hide their Magen David, or remove their mezuza.
- Jews feel empowered and supported by their political leaders.
We’re fully engaged in the battle of our generation, taking a multi-faceted approach to maintain a strong, vibrant, and resilient Jewish future in Montreal.
Jews are targeted and feel unsafe. Since October 7th, 2023, there have been 213 reported hate crimes and incidents against the Jewish community to Montreal police, a 130% increase over the same period the year prior.
As a direct response to the Tree of Life Massacre in 2018, Federation CJA created our Community Security Network (CSN). Widely regarded as one of the most advanced in North America, the CSN has been collaborating with law enforcement agencies and international partners at all levels to ensure community safety. We made a commitment to the Montreal Jewish community six years ago and we have delivered on our promise.
- The CSN offers continuous year-round support to schools, synagogues, and Jewish institutions across the city, including physical enhancements such as planters/boulders and window film, as well as via school information sessions and protocol training.
- We have upgraded surveillance technology, such as: cameras, access controls, lockdown systems, and intrusion alarms to further fortify our infrastructure and operational capabilities.
- Over 300 (and counting) CSN volunteers have undergone extensive training, covering theoretical and practical aspects of security measures. Their active involvement is instrumental in enhancing security measures on the ground.
- We have shared best practices with 32 institutions and 38 buildings, who have since enhanced their security measures and benefited from tailored and detailed protocols to follow.
Since October 7th, 2023, we have recorded over 150 incidents of antisemitic and anti-Israel activity across Montreal campuses. These incidents include abuse of podium, verbal harassment, hate speech, exclusionary rhetoric, and physical threats, all of which have contributed to an increasingly toxic atmosphere. As a result, many Jewish students feel unsafe or are pressured to hide their identity.
In response, Federation CJA has taken decisive steps to not only support our students but also hold campus administrations accountable by implementing a multi-pronged strategy focused on advocacy, safety, and coalition building. We are present, supportive, and empowering students on campus to proudly and publicly express their Judaism and Zionism.
In addition to deploying a dedicated security professional on campus, we are coordinating physical security for events and rallies to further protect our students. We’ve also introduced an incident-tracking system to identify patterns and be able to respond swiftly.
We have developed comprehensive guides and protocols for students, including clear steps for reporting incidents and understanding their rights. These resources continue to be updated to ensure every Jewish student is informed and feels protected on campus.
- We have bolstered our campus support with four new positions, including a Director of Campus & Advocacy and both a Senior Campus Advocacy Manager as well as a Campus Advocacy Engagement Associate. This expanded team was established to provide on-the-ground support, guide students through advocacy efforts, and ensure a rapid response to any incidents.
- We have worked closely with our partners CIJA and the Quebec Jewish Legal Alliance (QJLA) to hold campus administrations accountable. Through proactive monitoring and legal support, we have been addressing incidents of hate speech and bias, ensuring that antisemitic actions are met with firm and clear consequences.
- While advocacy remains a priority, we are also enriching Jewish life on campus by hosting cultural events, Shabbat dinners, and social gatherings that celebrate Jewish pride and foster connections.
- We are empowering students to take leadership roles on campus through the Lev Fellowship, B’Yachad Advocacy Program, Campus Micro-Grants initiative, and Israel Impact Workshops. These programs are designed to build coalitions, develop leadership skills, and foster a sense of pride and resilience in Jewish identity.
- We have held multiple parlour meetings and launched support networks such as the Montreal Academic Network Against Antisemitism (MANAA) to provide mentorship, build community, and better support students in navigating challenges on campus.
- Through Krav Maga self-defence and Hasbara courses, we are building up students’ physical and intellectual resilience.
- We are partnering with Jewish and non-Jewish student groups, faculty, and administrators to foster a united front against hate. We recognize that addressing campus-wide antisemitism requires collaboration and we are committed towards the creation of a campus environment where all voices are heard and respected.
- We have convened campus partners in order to foster stronger collaboration, share effective strategies, and enhance mutual understanding of supporting Jewish students and their families.
- We've financially backed legal actions of brave students fighting for their right to study free of harassment, discrimination, and intimidation.
Parents are concerned about how prepared their children are for the world after they graduate from the Jewish day school system, particularly as the number of antisemitic incidents being reported at public elementary and high schools continues to rise.
Federation CJA is investing in updated kindergarten to Grade 11 curriculums to address the current realities of a global rise in antisemitism. A key component of this curriculum is to equip students with the skills needed to respond effectively and thoughtfully to antisemitic rhetoric they may encounter outside of school walls.
- We are offering increased resources to Jewish day schools to instill a sense of Jewish pride in their students and deepen their overall connection to community.
- Through the Bronfman Jewish Education Centre (BJEC), Federation CJA is facilitating collaboration between schools by organizing workshops, inviting experts to speak to educators, and working directly with school governing boards.
- Federation CJA offered funding to send three Montreal educators on a Pan-Canadian Educators Journey to Israel this summer. The week-long professional-development mission provided them with tools and tactics to tell the real story of Israel and the Jewish people to their students and local communities. We are leading the next Educators Mission in December.
- Students are being provided with Krav Maga self-defence courses after school to build up their confidence and provide them with a greater sense of security.
- Our Shinshinim from Israel are fully embedded at six different Jewish day schools, bringing their unique life experiences to the creation of inspiring educational programming for students, connecting them to Israel and Israeli culture.
- We are investing in educational programs to fight misinformation and Jewish hate in public schools. This summer, CIJA launched Unlearn It in Quebec, a free and bilingual educational resource aimed at supporting parents and educators as they teach youth on how to identify, unlearn, and stand against antisemitism. Funded by the Quebec Ministry of Education and Federation CJA, Unlearn It offers short educational videos and discussion guides to frame constructive, courageous conversations, both at home and in the classroom.
- We held workshops to guide parents on the best ways to respond to instances of bullying and how to approach school administrations to best advocate for their child.
- These workshops later culminated in free webinars, organized in collaboration with CIJA. These sessions, directed at parents of students at non-Jewish day schools, outlined how to navigate relationships with schools amidst rising antisemitism and offered valuable community resources and tools at parents’ disposal.
- Incident report forms are readily available on our website to help parents easily report an antisemitic incident that occurs at their child’s school.
“Thank you Federation CJA for holding these informative webinars. They were so very needed and came at a most opportune time for our family. I had just learned of an incident involving my second grader which took place at his (public) school and was looking for resources on how to handle this challenging situation.”
- Parent testimonial
- Parent testimonial
Aggressive protestors are targeting our synagogues, schools, and community centres.
As governments and city leaders shirk their duty to protect our community, we’re maintaining sustained legal pressure, actively pursuing every avenue to defend our community. We've secured court-ordered injunctions to protect over 30 community buildings and are assisting Jewish professionals, teachers, and students in preserving their rights as citizens.
Together with our partners CIJA, we’re strengthening community relations efforts, including building strategic partnerships and coalitions with non-Jewish groups, many of whom are also facing hatred. We’re also aligning ourselves with like-minded members of society on issues of liberal democracy and shared values.
Convening and sitting at the most influential tables, we are making it clear that antisemitism will never be tolerated. That silence is complicit acceptance. We’re strongly advocating at the federal, provincial, and municipal levels for support.
In a world keen on drowning out our voices, Federation CJA has the responsibility to build the resilience and fortitude our community needs to face the post-October 7th world. And to reimagine what it means to be Jewish in the diaspora.
Right now, we are doubling down on our commitment to advocacy and accuracy through our partners at CIJA. We are forging strategic alliances with leaders in media to improve public relations and address media bias in Quebec. We’re developing, testing, and amplifying PR efforts to shine a light on the antisemitism overwhelming our society and mobilizing and educating our allies to denounce anti-Jewish hate.
October 7th has challenged our community in a big way, with many Jews feeling under siege and questioning their sense of belonging in Canada.
We remain committed to maintaining our strong, vibrant, and resilient Jewish future in Montreal. We are taking the lead, fighting back and securing our Jewish community.
- We are developing educated and empowered Jewish citizens confident in their Judaism through advocacy training so they understand the issues plaguing Israel and the Middle East.
- We are helping to equip our community on how to safely navigate social media and respond when faced with provocation.
- We are promoting community-wide involvement in rallies, inspiring events, workshops, and immersive experiences. Events include October 7th memorials, networking events, and our March for Jerusalem, which brought together 25,000 members of our community in song, dance, and solidarity.
- We are engaging and connecting with Jewish Montrealers of all ages through our event registration platform JLive. In the past year alone, 835 Montreal events were posted, yielding over 48,000 registrants and more than 6,000 new users.
Since October 7th, we have seen a surge in Jewish pride and engagement. It is our duty to harness and grow this powerful trend.
We are fully engaged in a $30 million campaign to raise funds to combat antisemitism, enhance our community security, and double down on our advocacy efforts over the next 10 years to ensure that we remain the greatest Jewish community in North America. At the same time, we are continuing to invest in Jewish life, as we have for over a century.
We can’t change the world. But together, we CAN impact our community, we are ALL in for our future.