January 8, 2024

“I should not have to pass by posters calling for violence against Jews just to get to the library.” – Nicole Nashen, a 23-year-old McGill Law student.

Since October 7th, tensions are high, and anxiety is palpable among our Cegep and University students who are the direct targets of antisemitic hate.

To address these challenges, Federation CJA has created a new position, Director of Campus and Advocacy. Appointed to this crucial role, Judy Kremer will lead and oversee Hillel and Campus initiatives, strengthening our presence on campus. This is a proactive step in our battle against antisemitism, focusing on critical areas like legal advocacy and strategic resource positioning, underlining our commitment to safeguarding our students' academic and personal well-being.

We have also boosted the number of Federation CJA staff deployed on campus and invested thousands of dollars to enhance campus security and launch initiatives intended to foster a safe, supportive community environment. This action is part of our ongoing engagement with university administration and stakeholders, emphasizing our deep concern about the rise in antisemitism and its impact on our students.

At the same time, because Federation CJA, parents and alumni have no standing on campus, another critical part of our strategy is to INFORM, EMPOWER and SUPPORT our students as they face antisemitism head-on. That’s because it is only the students who can file complaints or voice their concerns to their Cegep or university’s administration. The role they are playing on campus cannot be underestimated. In fact, it is the documentation by students themselves that helped to bring the issue to the attention of administration at UdeM and prompted the investigation into Yanise Arab.



An informed student body is capable of identifying, understanding, and responding accordingly to incidents of antisemitism. Students need guidance as well as access to reliable information. And we know their parents do, too. We are here to support them.

  • The Student Resource Guide → Includes detailed policies for each University and CEGEP, talking points from CIJA, trusted news sources, each school’s code of conduct, and incident reporting procedure. This is one of the most comprehensive tools to help guide our students.

  •  Reporting Antisemitic Incidents → To ensure that campus administrations are acting on antisemitism on campus, students need to report it directly to their respective university or Cegep. These reports also play a vital role in enabling organizations that track antisemitism to provide support, identify patterns and trends, and to ensure that all students feel safe and included on campus. Hillel will guide students step-by-step as they navigate the reporting process. Follow the student resource guide for exact steps to follow when reporting an incident. Turn to Hillel for support HERE.


Stay connected with essential updates by following @hillelmontreal on Instagram



Students need to feel empowered to take a stand and take action against antisemitism. Given the rise in students reporting professors who abuse their podium with antisemitic or anti-Israel rhetoric, fostering a sense of agency among students and enabling them to advocate for themselves and their peers effectively is an urgent priority.

  • Power Parlour Sessions → Create safe spaces for students to gather with others experiencing the same things, learning how to navigate through this time, who to report to, etc., all while guided by a Federation CJA employee. If you are interested in setting up a parlour meeting for students or parents of students, please contact Stephen Rabinovitch for more information.

  • Media Training → Ensures students understand what to do if approached by the media. To learn more, contact Naomi Mazer.


Click here to learn more about our advocacy education sessions and initiatives.



“I received horrifying replies on social media after posting the news of losing three close friends who were murdered by Hamas while attending the NOVA music festival. People I considered friends called me a genocide apologist and said they deserved it. I haven’t been going to school. I’ve been terrified”. 

– Claire Frankel, a History and Political Science student at McGill 


Students also need to be students – to do things that are uplifting, to remember they are resilient, that we as a people have always been resilient and that good will overcome evil when we stand united and lean on each other. To that end, we are working with all partners to foster communities of support, creating safe spaces and places for our students to find solace and strength, particularly for those dealing with acts of hate.

Working in collaboration with all concerned community and campus partners to implement cohesive strategies to act against antisemitism, the overarching goal is to provide comprehensive support for students' mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Each of the initiatives and events are aimed at nurturing these aspects of student life. Where necessary, we are also enhancing security to keep our students safe. 

  • Security → Federation CJA has coordinated with political leaders, the SPVM, campus security and campus partners to bolster community safety and provide support to act against antisemitism. We also act as the convenor for extra security for student-led rallies and events, and those of our partners, hiring extra security guards where they are needed to help students feel safe.

  • Student mental health → Hillel is partnering with therapists to offer a few hours per week pro-bono to meet with students one-on-one either at Hillel or over Zoom. Hillel is also partnering with Open Space clinics to offer as many group sessions as needed. For more information, please contact Kim Garzon.

  • Faculty sessions →  On Monday, November 20th, Federation CJA held a session with Jewish faculty members and students from the four universities: McGill, Concordia, UdeM, and UQAM. This session was to inform the faculty members what their students are feeling and facing everyday on campus as Jews. A second session for the faculty members is scheduled for November 30th. The overall goal of these sessions is to engage faculty in support of the students and this will be an ongoing effort.

  • Krav Maga Classes → Self-defence classes for men and women. Follow @hillelmontreal to find out when the next session will take place.

  • Weekly lunches and Shabbat dinners → Hillel has served hundreds of slices of pizza and bagels over the past seven weeks to connect with students and ensure safe spaces where they can come and process, eat, and feel good the way Jews always do through food! The students have also enjoyed coming together for beautiful, welcoming, and comforting Kabbalat Shabbat.


In addition to what we've shared with you above, we continue to work behind the scenes to advocate for our students in all areas of academic life and at all levels. We are fighting to stop the scourge of antisemitism on campus and from the podium directly to the university professional and lay leadership.


Click here to learn more about our support initiatives.




Focusing on celebrating the collective achievements and progress in combating campus antisemitism and highlighting these successes, we aim to foster a motivated and united student body. Students being more aware of the positive impact of their actions and feeling inspired to continue their efforts in creating a more inclusive and respectful campus environment reinforces the importance of unity and advocacy in addressing antisemitism effectively.

  • Policy Against Genocide in Palestine Referendum Question (SSMU) → Due to our collective community efforts, we got 5000 signatures!

  • Students exercised their democratic right to vote and have their voices heard →  Although the outcome wasn’t what we had hoped for, it still empowered students to use their voices and make a statement to unequivocally stand with Israel. There are 3,500 Jewish students at McGill; 50% of those students said NO.

  • Teacher Yanise Arab  Documenting the video coupled with student complaints to the university administration helped push UdeM to investigate this professor and have his classes cancelled. Hillel is guiding students through the process of reporting incidents so that action can be taken accordingly.


Amidst the current challenges on campus, the resilience and courage of our students shine through. They remind us that no one is alone in this fight. Our students are confronting these challenges with exceptional determination, intelligence, and resilience. We are committed to doing everything in our power, at every level, to support our students and strengthen our community. Together, we are not only facing adversity but actively building a safe, inclusive Jewish life on campus.


It’s important to remember that students are NEVER alone. Federation CJA, along with many partners, is fighting day in and day out to do everything in its power at every single level to support our students and our community.


Yair Szlak, LL.B
President and Chief Executive Officer,
Federation CJA

Shabbat Candlelight
January 24  4:31PM
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