STUDENT EVENT - October 7, 12:30PM-2:00PM @ McGill Roddick Gates, Student Unity Vigil in Commemoration of October 7th
Join in song, prayer, a moment of silence and meaningful reflection on October 7th as we mourn lives lost and stand in solidarity with hostages still held. The vigil will begin at 12:30pm at McGill Roddick Gates. Attendees are invited to walk through a Nova exhibit installation throughout the day.
October 7 Memorial Site - Federation CJA has established a special memorial site where community members can come and pay tribute to those lives lost:
The Charles R. Bronfman Peace Garden, 2 Cummings Square,
Monday October 7th through Thursday October 10th, 11AM - 7PM
Visitors will bear witness to the harrowing events of October 7th, in a space designed for mourning and reflection. The memorial is also a place to find solace in knowing that “We Will Dance Again.”
What: Community-wide opportunity to mourn together, and honour and remember the victims, survivors and heroes of October 7th
Who: Open to the public. Registration required (
When: Monday, October 7, 2024, 6:00 pm-7:30 pm
All day Outdoors Installations (Nova Festival, Yellow Ribbons, Photo Exhibit, Etc.)
5:30 PM Doors Open
6:00 PM Live Performance with violinist, Marika Fellegi
6:32 PM Steve Sebag, Chair of the Board of Directors, Federation CJA
- Moment of Silence, Welcome Remarks, Wreath Ceremony
6:45 PM Yizkor, Recitation of prayer by Shinshin
6:48 PM Video Message from Israeli Dignitary
6:53 PM Israel Consul General, Hon. Paul Hirshson
7:00 PM Raquel Look Remarks
7:10 PM Video Testimony | Israeli Stories Video - Uri Rousso
7:20 PM Eran Masas Testimony
7:45 PM Bring Them Home Member – Ruben Hassan, Prayer for Hostages
7:50 PM Musical Trio, Lisa Rubin (Voice, Cello, Keyboard)
7:55 PM Yair Szlak, President and CEO, Federation CJA
8:05 PM Cantor Benlolo, Prayer for Soldiers and the State of Israel
8:10 PM Hatikvah
Where: Hampstead Park (Enter via Hampstead Road)
Why: To provide time and space for our community to mourn and remember; inspire togetherness and unity in a time of darkness
Note: Members of media must register in advance and wear a media pass
Media Contacts:
Glenn J. NashenDirector, Media Relations and Crisis Communications | Directeur, Relations avecles médias et communication de criseStrategic Marketing and Communications | Marketing Stratégique etcommunicationsFEDERATION CJA1 Carré Cummings Square | 5151 Chemin de la Côte Ste-Catherine RoadMontréal, Québec H3W 1M6514-734-1327[email protected]
Henry Lovgren
Directeur adjoint - Communications et marketing (Québec)
Associate Director, Communications and Marketing (Quebec)
Centre consultatif des relations juives et Israéliennes
Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs
T: 514 734 1567 / C: 514 710 6861